Monday, April 14, 2008

Bridal Beauty: The Fun Stuff!

There are a bazillion things I could report right now but everyone keeps bugging me about my hair preview so I thought I'd share some pictures...

On Friday I had the pleasure of meeting with Sherry & Marilyn from On Location Beauty. Marilyn will be doing my hair for the Big Day as well as my super attractive entourage's. These ladies are so much fun to chit chat with - we talked about everything from celebrity baby names to wedding inflation to traffic rants - basically it was like sitting down with good friends - it was comfortable :)

I went in there still unsure of what I wanted to look like walking down the aisle. I have had this debate with pretty much everyone who has an ear - keep it down, fun, and young looking or carry a timeless pulled up look that scream elegance? The verdict was always mixed answers... Mom loves the classic bun, Linette can't stand the thought of not showing off the length, Tanya is more practical and was concerned about the ability to sustain my thick, heavy hair in any sort of contraption.... they all had very strong, valid arguments. What's a girl to do?! I'll tell you what this girl did - left it to the professionals. Upon presenting my case, Marilyn & Sherry somewhat effortlessly (cuz thats how the pros do it) produced the best of both worlds.

From the masterminds of On Location Beauty...

I love it! An infusion of all my thoughts and a solution to my many concerns- a 'do that is strategically pulled together but in a most carefree and "messy" way.
[side note: Tanya often digs herself into an ever-growing hole as she desperately tries to explain to me how this idea of strategically "messy" is my signature look! ya, thanks Tanya - I get it! Maybe don't to use the word dread lock next time, ha!]

Over the weekend, I was inspired by a set of photos I found on Jasmine Star's photography blog during my usual blog stalk. So now, Marilyn is going to take the style above and (once again) strategically pin it up during the ceremony for a more formal clean look. Then I will have it down in that somewhat side ponytail for the reception portion. The photos below are just to help you get the idea. I played around with it this weekend so this is my amateur creation, far from how it will result once the magical hands of Marilyn do their thing...

To see more of Marilyn's work [click here]
P.S. YES, I received my dress! And NO I won't post pictures - Mark secretly lurks on here! I just know it!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Plotter, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

I love it! It's definitely young and fresh, and having it up at the ceremony will give a nice and formal look.

nita said...

on location beauty is awesome!!!