Monday, December 1, 2008


...with Twilight... in the same manner a 14 year girl would be... my apologies to all.... i honestly can't help it... in the same manner a 14 year old girl can't.


Nina Sapphira said...

haha! You are not alone. My sis is equally obessesd. I jumped on the bandwagon a few weeks ago and read all books within 2wks.

Unknown said...

Hehe.. don't worry! I was in that state too..:)

Rachee said...

OMG - love it! I too am obssessed. I just reread eclipse on vacay, team edward all the way.

shannon lee said...

oh my god me too! completely obsessed. so obsessed that I'm up at 5 am.. blogging and will probably still read before I go to bed.

check out my personal blog ( - i talk about the effects of the first two on me in two different occasions. it's unreal.