Friday, March 28, 2008

Never a dull moment

I hope that anyone who is anyone in my life would know that I am Big/HUGE on family, particularly my kids. And by "my" kids I am referring to my 5 nieces and nephews who breath life into me every time I even think of them. I am entirely crazy about them. awwww, cute huh? Ya cute, but that's my disclaimer! haha

Today my valliant mom and I herded all the kids over to Moa Children's Boutique in Santa Ana. The goal: Buy suits for Jae, Andre, & Tyree. Keyword here is BUY - not look for or consider, but get-it-off-my-checklist-now, BUY! As with most things that involve the fab 5, it was a rather amusing experience...

I will start with the bad - Shopping with 5 kids. 'nuff said.

[Wait no, that's not all. I would like to sincerely apologize to any parent or caregiver that I have ever given "that look" to. You know... that look when your kid is screaming/running/hiding in clothing racks/laying in walkways/throwing things/etc... that "geez lady, control your kid" look. Seriously, I get it now and I'm sorry. Really sorry.]

The wonderfully good news: Mission accomplished! All kids suits purchased for a fraction of what it would have cost to rent- Moa is awesome! They have a notably large selection of children's formal wear at Markessa friendly prices. Though virtually impossible, I made it a point to not look at any of the girl dresses because here and there I would catch a glimpse of some fabulous little pieces, dresses I would have before considered. However I am still convinced that the flower girl dresses posted previously were specifically made for my girls to wear; they are perfection. Going back to topic ---> The Moa staff is really patient and a whole lot more accepting than I am of copycat tantrums and impatient 2 year olds. We were so pleased with everything and thank God for that, because when mom & I are on a mission, it can get pretty intense.

For all the reasons above, I was unable to take a picture of the little ones but here is Jae, the oldest, pictured in his impressive, high quality suit and of course his new found coolness...

And just to elaborate on how cool he is, I ask him what kind of tie he wants me to get him - brown or champagne? and he says "I was thinking more like that light pink" Holy smokes, he's way cooler than me! When I asked him if we should buy the suit, he asks me how much it is? I give him the quote & he checks his pocket and says he only has $9.00 but more at home and he'll pay me back. So cute! But here's the best part - later in the car he asks me again how much it was. Making it clear that he has been thinking about it the entire time, he regretfully informs me that I might need to talk to his dad about that debt. Hands down - the coolest kid I know!


Unknown said...

I love it!! Jae is definitely the coolest one of them all, Hands Down

With Love ~ csunsweetie said...

Hi! I love the suit he's in. Online, which one is that? I need a great dark brown one for my lil guy. Thanks!