Monday, June 9, 2008

iHeart the iPhone

I don't have an iPhone and it may very well be obsolete by the time I can afford one, to which end I am bitter and I loath its existence. Wait - that's not what this post is titled. woops

iHeart my brother's iPhone at this precise moment, for these precise reasons...

He soooo made my day! I mean, it's no SKC ;) but not bad. And just for the sake of comparison/fairness - here is a shot from my sister's blackberry...

Thank God for the camera phone.


Catherine said...

you looked BEAUTIFUL!

nita said...

I just read Kerrie's blog!! Your pictures are gorgeous!!! You look stunning in your dress!!!!


nita said...

i just checked sarah's blog and your pictures are really beautiful!

i really love waht you did with the pinboard! it looked awesome!